Bluewater Real Estate

Preparing for the Holidays at your Home

These simple steps can make having family and friends over during the holiday season a breeze. If you plan on hosting a large party of cheerful guests 

(Reader's Digest tips)

Brighten up your bathroom- change out curtains or accent items to give a new fresh look to your space

Stow stuff away- clear counter-tops box up unnecessary items to provide more room

Make sure your entry way is welcoming- door mats, wreaths, lights and NO COBWEBS

Add extra seating- go shopping at your nearest home store like Ikea or Home Goods for foldable chairs that can easily be placed in a closet when not in use. 

(Our tips)

Have plenty of extra linens- bath towels pillows and face cloths

Stock the fridge with snack foods- fruits and veggies, crackers and cheese, nuts and party mix

Get your Wi-Fi password ready- It is always a pain to arrive somewhere and use your data plan, make sure to be ready with your internet information to make guests stay a breeze

Stock the bathrooms with extra toiletries- We all forget something any extra items from your previous hotel stays work perfectly for sink top baskets of essentials