Here is a bit of food for thought, all be it not fat free, low cal or all natural.
In order to start your year off successfully it is necessary to streamline your home. Prepare yourself for an easy breezy, at least first couple of months, while the organization lasts.
Here is how to you can. (you may pick and choose the points that seem attainable based upon your motivation to get with the program in 2016)
Streamline the stuff
-We hear this time and time again DECLUTTER. But it's true. You will automatically feel a sense of accomplishment by cleaning counter-tops, cleaning out "junk drawers" and putting everything else in containers with labels (if you are feeling so ambitious)
Work out a weekly cleaning schedule
If you know what small things you need to achieve every day, you wont have to dedicate Saturday to doing everything. Set up a daily goal that minimizes weekend tidying.
Create a home improvement list
-What do you see that needs adjusting around your home. Invite a friend over to critique things and give them food in exchange for their "kind words"
Find DIY projects
-We have created an entire weekend warrior DIY pinterest board just for you to peruse.
Become energy efficient
-Change out a toilet or two. They now have dual flush toilets which uses less water depending on the number you just completed. Number referring to number 1 (a little tinkle) and number 2 (a little more than that) You may even be eligible for some kind of tax benefit from becoming more energy efficient.
Visit our Pinterest boards for DIY ideas and Organization guidance. We even have one for home improvements!