It's that time! Back-To-School is quickly approaching. These tips will help you save time and effort when it comes to those busy school days.
Homework: What environment does your child/children work best in? Consider this before designating a specific area in your home for homework.
Meal Planning: Clean out your refrigerator, getting it ready for school breakfasts, after-school snacks and dinner. Organize your pantry so that all items are easily accessible, saving you time while preparing dinner.
Closets: Probably one of the most stressful times is getting the kids to school on time in the mornings. Having their (and your) closets organized will save time during the morning hustle.
Scheduling and Appointments: Purchase a large dry-erase board and place it in a central area where it can be updated easily. Use this for all school-related appointments such as, sports practice, school functions, etc.
Equipment: Purchase large bins and place them in designated areas for school-related equipment such as sports equipment and/or musical instruments.