Bluewater Real Estate

Finding Your Match

Choosing an agent that works well with you and your home search or sell is an important task. You will be spending a lot of time with your real estate agent and there are things you need to know before committing to a long-term relationship.  Click the image below to watch a quick 2 minute video on what you need to know about your perfect agent hunt.

What to ask:
  1. Read the agent biography. Do they have similar interest to you? Are their skills in line with your buying or selling goals? Are their accolades in line with what you will be looking for in a home or the kind of property you will be selling
  2. Are they familiar with the area you are buying or selling in? 
  3. Is your preferred form of communication text, phone calls or emails? Make sure your chosen agent is comfortable communicating in a way that is convenient to you!
  4. Do you feel like he or she is a good listener? Do you feel that your goals, needs and desires will be heard? Will they keep what you desire in the fore front when assisting?
  5. Don't be afraid to interview multiple agents. You are essentially hiring them
What to have Ready:
  1. Have your top 5 priorities at hand to discuss with your potential agent
  2. Make sure you have set a buying/selling timeline
  3. Know how much you are willing to spend